Pros and Cons


The advantages to a lifestyle of hooliganism are less apparent. Extreme violence cannot be justified as an attractive way to live for any extended period of time, but justification can be made for the causes of such action. Firms give their members a place in society to belong. This gives members a secure feeling in the comfort of their peers. Nothing can replace the feeling of security knowing that one is protected by his peers and always supported by them. Similarly, the association between members goes further, because members know that they are important and powerful enough to be part of a system that keeps the entire firm safe. Essentially, firms support strong values like teamwork, cooperation, faith, and commitment.


The disadvantages to promoting this lifestyle are readily apparent. The extreme violence that can occur as part of the life of a hooligan is dangerous and does not promote morals accepted by society at large. Fights can be prompted by loyalty for a club, but hatred for all other clubs is a converse hypothesis that is not acceptable. If hatred for dissimilar others drives the actions of hooligans, then their actions cannot be justified. However, it is arguable whether absolute loyalty can exist without a semblance of hatred for opposing firms.